'Joan Senior'
There’s not a whole lot going on in my garden right now as a result of the heat. Blooms are indeed very limited but I snapped a shot of what I could find. :0) We’ve all be talking about how everything is blooming at the wrong time and how odd it all is… Can you believe one of my dogwoods is in full bloom right now? Talk about weird… this has never happened before.
This is one of two sprigs of milkweed growing in my garden. I really, really hope it makes seeds this year. My garden is usually a happy breeding ground for Monarchs but I haven’t seen any caterpillars in almost 3 years. I was just commenting to
Dee at Red Dirt Ramblings about how I would like to increase the number of host plants in my garden. I use to have a HUGE stand of milkweed and now it’s down to practically nothing. I was digging thru old seeds and found a package of pink milkweed from a kind blogger friend that I never planted. I don’t know how I managed to misplace it, but I will happily be scratching a place in the ground to plant it this fall. I think that’s when you are suppose to do it… please correct me if I’m wrong.
Peegee hydrangea ‘Grandiflora’ is looking prettier this year than it ever has before. I’ve seen these get very large. Mine doesn’t seem to be getting any taller though. I don’t know how you are supposed to limb something up when the trunk gets no taller. Anyway, I’m okay if stay a little short thing it still produces lovely blooms for me.