Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Recent Happenings

Well, there’s not much going on in the garden right now other than the crepe myrtles and you’ve already seen those so I thought I would just catch you up on the news. I need to do a blog post and I guess this is just as good a subject as any.

It was time for me to change rides again. As much as I absolutely LOVED the Camaro it was time to get rid of it. In the past year it was in the shop 5 times, each time for a different reason and once for a major repair. A new car that cost that much money should not have so many issues. So I decided it was time for it and me to part ways. I got online and proceeded to search for cars. I decided to order a 2013 Hyundai Genesis Coupe with all the bells and whistles. In the past when getting a new car the dealership has always called me within the hour and said we’ve located your vehicle and we can have it here in “X” amount of days. Well, the day came and went and I never hear anything so I decide to pay a trip to the dealership. I was informed that it would be several months before I could get my car because it would have to be shipped from Korea. There was a possibility they could find the specific car I had requested at another lot, but they felt it would be highly unlikely. I was disappointed, but I needed a new car quickly so I decided on the 2013 Hyundai Sonata Limited. Not exactly what I was looking for, but still a beautiful car none the less.


It has more features and more voice commands than I will ever use, but they are there should I decide I want to use them. It’s pearlized white with a black leather interior. I think I’ll enjoy driving it for a while, I know I’ll enjoy the reduction in the monthly car payment. :0) I really expected my insurance to go down as well, but it actually increased 60 dollars a year. The motor was so large in the Camaro, surely I will save on gas. This Sonata has to get more than 18 MPG, which was what I was getting on the other car. Hopefully I can use these savings to increase my bank account levels and maybe eventually I’ll go ahead and get another sports car. Time will tell…


In other news, I’ve been spending time trying to get things caught up in the garden. I’ve been doing a lot of weeding and cleaning up. The weeds are pretty much under control, so this past weekend I turned my attention to other things. I got the arbors and the back hedge trimmed up. It all looks much better. It’s not going to be much longer before I have to get one of those hedge trimmers on a pole to get to the top of the privacy hedge. It’s starting to get really tall. I’ve also been limbing up most of the trees. I know procedure dictates this is done in the fall or winter, but I’ve always done mine in the summer. The weight of the leaves and blooms completely change the shape of the tree and you get a better idea where you will create unwanted holes if you do your pruning now. I’ve also finished the second stage of lighting by installing path lights and I’ll be doing a blog post on that soon. Right now the humidity has just been too bad to be outside stomping around at night taking pictures. As you can see, it’s just been routine maintenance around here. Thank you to Colvin for helping me this past weekend. What’s going on in your garden?


  1. My brother had a Sonata for 4 years and loved it - they upgraded to a Tucson - two university aged boys, my brother's 6'2 and Joanne and a standard poodle and a yorkie - the sonata wasn't big enough for everyone (and their other car was a mini - I kid you not). It was blissfully repair free for the entire period. Just to add my 2 cents - salvias generally all come back providing you just go to that first flower node - and as far as the naked legs, I'd treat myself to a really cool looking tropical/annual and tuck it in front. B.

    1. Barbara,
      I've already chopped it back to 12 inches. This will be a good experiment to see what happens. If all else fails it will be back next spring. The plant its self was looking so haggard. I think it’s just the weather. Everything in my garden looks so washed out. That entire bed is about due an overhaul along with several other areas of the garden. The past two years have just not been very good ones for gardening, the sun is just relentless. I see myself moving to a more evergreen garden in the future.

  2. Oh my, with that many car repairs, I cannot blame you for the new car! But that would have been a tough ride to give up on... I miss our sports cars, sigh...

    Looks like you have some good advice on the Salvia below. I am happy to see this posting because I just added Black and Blue to my gardens last year. Now I will be prepared as she grows...

    Keep your eye peeled for a giveaway at In the garden :-)

    1. It was Skeeter. I had the intentions of pretty much keeping that car for a long, long time. I had my old green convertible for 12 years and the only reason why I got rid of it was the insurance company totaled it out, too much cosmetic damage from the storm. The last repair on the car would have cost me over 5 thousand dollars has it not been under warranty. I can’t afford repairs like that in the future, best to part ways now. Cars have just become to computerized and complicated to fix.

  3. That is EXACTLY what my husband and I just purchased. Well, almost anyhow, we got the 2012 Sonata Turbo. Love it!!! It is amazing how many people are switching to Hyundat and Kia too.

    1. The Turbos are nice! I looked at a couple of those, but they only had them in red and silver at our lot.

  4. Love Hyundai! We bought an Elantra last year and one son did the same a month later! We love ours....even after a deer caused damage and we had the car repaired. Drives great!

    1. Freda,
      Everyone I've talked to has nothing but good things to say about the car. I hope this one lives up to its reputation. You certainly can't beat the warranty.

  5. I remember the last car you bought Randy! That is a lot of issues... from your comments it seems you should enjoy your new ride!

    1. You're right, Darla. There were indeed a lot of issues. I hate it, because it was such a beautiful car. But I'm a grown up now and it's time to be sensible. :0)

  6. Your new car looks good with those crape myrtles.

    1. Les,
      Everything looks good when crape myrtles are involved! LOL Thank you. :0)

  7. One word can describe what is going on in my garden...WATERING. Geez will this drought ever break? Your new car is a beauty. Very sporty looking to me.

    1. I hear you Lisa, I think watering with city water just keeps things alive. It certainly doesn give them the nourishment rain water does. I hope this is the last year for all this heat.

  8. Randy your new car is gorgeous ! .. I think you will get a kick out of much longer than you think : )
    My husband and I are KIA fans .. first time we bought out of our "North American" style .. husband has the Sorrento and I have the earlier model of the Sportage .. 2008 , before they squished the poor thing down and and it horrible .. I have told friends that even if we won the lottery ? I would still drive my baby because it is so comfortable and fun .. I love being up higher in a vehicle because you really have a better view.
    Enjoy your new toy !!
    Joy : )


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