Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Something is coming…

The ever so trendy cell phone shot, time to put a face with the blog.


Good morning everyone! It’s been a while since my last post so I decided I better check in with you guys and let you know I’m still alive and kicking. There just hasn’t been much going on in the garden to blog about. I do have some changes planned and I’ve actually purchased some new plants to make them. It’s going to require me to remove a lot of plants that are currently supplying the humming birds with nectar and a small meal for what remaining butterflies there are in the garden. As eager as I am to get the job behind me and be done with it I just can’t seem to bring myself to take away that little food supply from my garden friends. When I do get around to it I’ll take pictures of the process. The picture I have in my mind looks fabulous and I’m sure it will look great when it’s done and the plants have grown in some.

I have all these plans about what I want to do to the garden but life evidently thinks I need to take a break from it for some reason and it seems to have been the universe’s plan for the past three years. The first year was a bunch of personal chaos that bled into the second year, then things went from the frying pan into the fire and I had emergency back surgery. I used the rest of the summer and winter to recuperate from it thinking this was going to be the year I got it all done and get back into the swing of the garden. Well, in May I got double pneumonia with horrible coughing that lasted for three months. As a result of all the coughing I got a hernia which is now preventing me from doing any major lifting or digging. I hope to get it fixed this winter if I can’t heal myself with exercise. I understand it’s possible in some situations, we’ll see. So for WHATEVER reason I’m obviously suppose to do little more to the garden than keep the grass cut or so it would seem.

All this being said I woke up this morning thinking how frustrated and irritated I’ve been by the way all of this has unfolded. I decided it’s time to do things a little differently for a while. You will notice my blogging concerning the garden may become scarce for a while. That doesn’t mean I won’t be visiting yours and reading what’s going on in your little patch of green. Frankly, I keep hearing this same phrase in my head over and over again that I read on Tim’s blog several weeks ago. “Much like that moment when you realize you’ve created a monster of a garden that is no longer bringing you pleasure…” Since reading that post I’ve given a lot of thought to what changes I want to make. The garden consumes so much of my free time that I have little time for anything else so I’ve decided to take a break from it before I grow to resent it.

So here’s the next question: What will I be doing? I have projects that need to be done around the house. Things I’ve neglected because of the garden. I want to travel more… I want to entertain more… I want to spend more time with friends. I’ll still be gardening, but I’m going to alter the way I’m doing things. My aim is to move towards a more maintenance free garden, with a more formal feel and a smaller collection of plants. Meanwhile, I will continue to blog, but you may see a shift in the types of post I do. They may become less about the garden and more about the other things I’m doing. Instead of what’s blooming maybe I’ll show you the latest trip I’ve taken or photos from one of my martini parties. :0) I realize this will be of no interest to some of you, on the flipside others of you may enjoy the peek into my life.

When I walked outside this morning all these thoughts were confirmed by the feel of transformation in the air. The winds of change were blowing through the trees and across my skin. Something is coming. I’ve had these feelings in the past and the results were not always positive, subsequently I felt a little apprehension about it initially, alteration can always be a little scary at first. The uncertainty of it all… I’m ready for something new, different and exciting and I’ll embrace whatever life is about to send. The end result of change is always positive in some form or fashion. I wonder what new adventures are in store for me? That’s enough of my idle ramblings for now, hope this finds you all well and happy.


  1. Randy, you look GREAT! I know how difficult it is to give up a bit on your garden. We are doing the same. But you will love what you have.

  2. Thanks Jan! I can always make it more complex in the future when I retire or have more help. I hope you and Donna are doing fantastic! Don't be a stranger, shoot an email all along. :0)

  3. Good for you Randy. You have to have balance in your life. Just keep on keeping on and all will fall into place. Best of luck. I will be happy to hear any and all that is going on in your garden or your life. Best wishes.

    1. That's exactly what I was trying to say, Lisa. LOL I need more balance in my life. I need to mix it up a little. The good thing is garden are forgiving and it will be there when I decide to make the changes. :0)

  4. Nice to read about you and your garden again!Keep gardening and keep surprising your readers with new blooms and fantastic ideas which make your garden look like a paradise.
    Rohenäpp jääb rohenäpuks aastaringselt! Translation: A green finger remains a green finger year-round!

    1. I will Mare, and I do have some good ideas floating around too. ;0) I'm just going to spend more time doing other things as well.

  5. great news. ..of change!......become the lazyman gardener....and get a hammock......start going for the unstructured look and maintenance free plants!!! winter is coming....and you can focus on other hobbies! read the book balancing heaven and earth ..robert A.johnson.......i promise you will love it...a must read about your situation! a biography...

    1. Sharon,
      I'll head to the bookstore this weekend and see if I can find it! Reading is another thing I've been wanting to do more of as well. :0)

  6. Wow, you have been through a lot in the past few years but looking ever so great in this picture! Finding a perfect balance is tricky with gardening, every day life and health. I think you are on the right track and I personally find a person's life just as interesting as thier gardens. :-)

    1. Skeeter I think the hardest parts when it comes to the garden is my realization everything doesn't always have to be perfect. I'm one of those type A personalities. LOL

  7. You've been through so much! Great photo! I understand what you're saying. A well-rounded life comes in many forms.

    Since you've just visited my blog, you know that I've been writing a novel. I'm to the point where I don't want to pour more money into the garden, as so much is up to mother nature and I've had to many losses in years of I planted drought plants...only to have a summer of rain...and the drought plants are black!

    Glad to "see" you!

    1. Freda,
      I know. This has not been the best couple of years for gardeners. This heat and screwy weather. Would you believe my dogwood tree has bloomed the ENTIRE summer? Even now it's has blooms all over it.

  8. I've had a break forced on me for months now. Just had my hip surgery on the 4th. I don't operate these crutches very well that's for sure. I enjoy learning about the gardener behind the gardens, so bring it on!
    Cute photo.....really want to see photos and read about your martini parties......

    1. Cute photo? Oh stop it, Darla! You're making me blush! I'm so glad you have your hip surgery behind you, but I'm even more happy that you have your kids and husband to help you out. It's kind of scary going thru surgery when you are single and have no children.

  9. Randy,

    While I have always been envious of that magic spade of yours with which you have created a wonderland of flora and fauna I well know the time and energy it takes. So as a loyal reader I will be looking forward to any and all post you send forth into the blogging world. Actually I am most interest in seeing the pictures from said “Martini Parties” complete with recipes :)

    Change is good! We grow with change. Am looking forward to seeing that smiling face and sparkling eyes with any posting you feel like sharing with us. Take care. – gary

  10. I like other things, martinis, as well as gardening. I look forward to your diverse posts.

  11. Good to see a face with this blog.
    I've been heading in a new direction also. I'm seriously downsizing my gardens. It's taking way too much of my time. Between work, our little mo-ho trips, and the house, my almost acre of gardens have become a burden. I've got one downsized and was working on another when back issues flared up, putting that to a halt.
    And as much as I've enjoyed your garden pics, I'll also enjoy learning more about your other interests.


Thanks for leaving me a message! I enjoy every one that I get!