Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens

Hello everyone, hope this finds you all doing well. I’ve been on vacation for a spell and while I was out of state I had the chance to visit the Marie Selby Botanical Garden in Sarasota, Florida. I took so many pictures I just didn’t see the point in showing them all. Sooner or later you would get tired of looking at them. :0) Hope you enjoy the ones I posted.








The tree in the very center of this photo is actually a Brugmansia! I had no idea they could actually get so large. Wow...


The ducks and coy seemed to get along with no problems at all in this pond. They went about their way paying no attention to each other.



I love this shot of the mermaid...



Hope everyone has a great week. I managed to get double pneumonia on my trip so I’m taking it easy for a few more days. I’ll try to get some photos of my garden up when I’m feeling a little better. It’s amazing how much plants can grow and change in eleven days… Cheers!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Blooming 05/07/12

I hope everyone had an incredible weekend. Mine was great it just went by entirely too fast! This post is going to be short and sweet. Here are a few things that are blooming in the garden right now. I cannot believe the daylilies are in flower before the irises this year. That’s just crazy! It also looks like a most of my irises aren’t even going to bloom. Weird season we are having so far…



'Daring Deception'

Daring Deception

'Lady Georgia'

Lady Georgia

'Becky' and 'Happy Returns'

Becky and Happy Returns

'King Lamoni'

King Lamoni

'African Parrot'

African Parrot

'Rockey City'

Rocket City

'Strawberry Candy'

Strawberry Candy

'Raspberry Pixie'

Raspberry Pixie

'Alabama Music'

Alabama Music

'Double River Wye'

Double River Wye

Everyone please have a fantastic week and don't take a single minute of this life we've been given for granted! Live, live, live! Best Wishes-