Monday, May 7, 2012

Blooming 05/07/12

I hope everyone had an incredible weekend. Mine was great it just went by entirely too fast! This post is going to be short and sweet. Here are a few things that are blooming in the garden right now. I cannot believe the daylilies are in flower before the irises this year. That’s just crazy! It also looks like a most of my irises aren’t even going to bloom. Weird season we are having so far…



'Daring Deception'

Daring Deception

'Lady Georgia'

Lady Georgia

'Becky' and 'Happy Returns'

Becky and Happy Returns

'King Lamoni'

King Lamoni

'African Parrot'

African Parrot

'Rockey City'

Rocket City

'Strawberry Candy'

Strawberry Candy

'Raspberry Pixie'

Raspberry Pixie

'Alabama Music'

Alabama Music

'Double River Wye'

Double River Wye

Everyone please have a fantastic week and don't take a single minute of this life we've been given for granted! Live, live, live! Best Wishes-


  1. Randy,
    Your collection of daylilies is both spectacular and sumptuous. And all have bloomed before Iris, truly this is a mysterious spring. – gary

  2. What an impressive collection of daylilies...I really should add more around here...I have only had two iris blooms this year, sigh.

  3. So beautiful daylilies! The world is really amazing! In my garden daylilies bloom at the end of July and mostly in the middle of August!

  4. You have such a nice collection. Can you pick a favorite?

  5. I'm so glad that I can still walk the garden, even if it's online. You're doing such a wonderful job with it all.


Thanks for leaving me a message! I enjoy every one that I get!