Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Apologies


This weekend I was contacted by a reader that was nice enough to drop me a line through my email address and inform me she was unable to post a comment on my blog. Thank you Ms. Barbara! It would seem this entire time my comments have been set so that only people who use blogger could comment. This was never my intentions, I’ve always set my blog so anyone could comment. I believe the problem is now fixed and if any of you have further issues, please contact me and let me know. As you are all aware, feedback is one of the most enjoyable things about blogging. Hope this finds you all having a wonderful day!


  1. Randy,

    While I would love to be able to say that I have been commenting right along, but they were not posting. However, I must admit that I have been away for some bit and just now getting caught up on all the “goings on”.

    Loving your “CBCT”, personally I thing such trees show off ornaments much better, the depth of light and shape is such a rich visual appeal, well to me anyway :) And that candelabra is fantastic. To spend an evening in such a lovely setting, sipping eggnog, and listening to the piano would truly be a magical time.

    I may have to drop back in as I see more post of yours beckoning to me to read :) Till later, take care. – gary

    1. Gary,
      I've missed seeing your comments and your blog. Hope all is well with you. :0)

  2. Gosh, I didn't know you could even do that. Hope you had a great weekend.

    1. Lisa,
      I knew you could, but I didn't realize this new blog had that setting. I guess it's been that way since I opened it last spring. :0(

  3. I had a wonderful weekend visit, can't wait til our next adventure. Carol.

  4. Your home certainly looks like Eden. How very lovely it is all decorated. I am inspired.

    1. Thank you Layanee! And thank you for paying me a visit. :0)

  5. Crazy Blogspot has some things set as their 'default' --thinking that everyone wants them that way. I had to go through all of the settings one by one to make sure mine were set right... However, I don't allow anonymous comments since that is usually where spam comes from... Glad you fixed yours, Randy.

    Have a great day/week.

    1. Betsy,
      I guess it must have been that ways since I moved from the old blog to this new one.

  6. I never thought to check for any problems on mine, thanks for the warning.

    1. Doc,
      I usually remember to check all that stuff. I can't believe I missed it somehow.

  7. Hi Randy,

    Thank you for answering my email and explaining the problem with the comments. I'm really glad to know the problem was not all mine.

    As it has been several days, I don't remember exactly what I said. I do know I enjoyed your piece and seeing your beautiful Christmas decorations. Also the photography blog and the links to other photography blogs. Look forward to reading others.

    Again, I appreciate your clearing up the problem.

  8. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Glad you're still blogging. I know that I don't comment much, but I do visit. It's just that between Facebook, blogs, Twitter and my own professional writing, I'm sometimes at a loss for more words!

    1. Freda,
      I hear ya! Plus, I find sometimes you just aren't allowed the luxury of time you need to get into that zone that's required for creative and professional writing. I don't do the twitter thing. Just decided enough is enough with the online stuff. I did have a great T-day and I hope you did too!


Thanks for leaving me a message! I enjoy every one that I get!